The new Network Observability AKS add-on (Preview) provides complete observability into the network health and connectivity of your AKS cluster.  Seamlessly integrating with Azure-managed Prometheus and Azure-managed Grafana – the add-on provides improved observability in a unified experience. 

Key customer benefits:

  • Get access to cluster level network metrics like packet drops, connections stats and more.  
  • (GA) Access to pod-level metrics and network debuggability features.
  • Support for all Azure CNIs – AzureCNI and AzureCNI (Powered by Cilium)  
  • Support for all AKS node types – Linux and Windows 
  • Easy deployment using native Azure tools – AKS CLI, ARM templates, PowerShell, etc. 
  • Seamless integration with the Azure managed Prometheus and Azure-managed Grafana offerings. 

Read more in the Network Observability add-on documentation and in our blog

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