At Microsoft Learn, we are committed to empowering you with the tools and resources you need to build technical skills and achieve your goals. Your input and suggestions are critical to us in meeting your skilling needs. On Microsoft Learn, you can find documentation, training, code samples, videos, credentials, and more, all in support of Microsoft’s expansive portfolio of products. Thousands of writers, advocates, architects, product managers, and engineers from across Microsoft and our community come together to create and maintain the content you find on Microsoft Learn. We rely on your feedback to keep the content accurate and up to date.   


Some of the products we support are open source. Products like .NET, Azure PowerShell, PowerShell, and PowerToys have community members deeply involved in the direction of the products and contribute heavily to the docs supporting them. Simultaneously, we have a rapidly expanding content set across the rest of Microsoft’s product portfolio where it remains important for us to receive your actionable input. 


To address both needs, we’re beginning the process of rolling out a new feedback system across Microsoft Learn.   


First, we’ve introduced a simplified thumbs up / thumbs down form, where you can provide feedback and comments. Our writers and content contributors monitor your submissions and make updates to the content based on your responses. Using this form, you can submit your comments in languages other than English, and your submissions will remain anonymous. The form is a consistent experience; it’s available on every documentation article and training module on Microsoft Learn. This form will become your primary method for submitting feedback for many repositories across Microsoft Learn. Accordingly, we will close out and turn off GitHub Issues for many repositories in a rolling period throughout 2024. Please refer to the repo list at the bottom of the article for additional details.  


Second, we will still accept Pull Requests for content. This means that even if GitHub Issues is turned off, if you see the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the article, you can send a Pull Request to our team.

1. Edit Pencil to submit Content Pull Request

2. Feedback control to access the thumbs up / thumbs down form


Third, we remain committed to open source. This means that most open-source products will continue to have open-source content repositories. In those repositories, you’ll continue to use GitHub Issues and Pull Requests like you do today, and we look forward to continuing to receive your suggestions. It’s important to note that even the open-source repositories will have the option of using the new form for submitting your responses, if you prefer to use it over GitHub Issues or a Pull Request. We have a few additional repositories with high engagement which will also remain on GitHub Issues; see the full repo list below.  


Your feedback on our content is essential to keeping our content accurate and up to date. Thank you for your continued support of Microsoft Learn.   


Repository List 

Below is the list of repositories where GitHub Issues will remain available; all other repositories will have GitHub Issues turned off in a rolling period throughout 2024:  


  • Azure/azure-docs-sdk-dotnet    
  • Azure/azure-docs-sdk-java    
  • dotnet/AspNetCore.Docs    
  • dotnet/docs  
  • dotnet/docs-aspire  
  • dotnet/docs-desktop    
  • dotnet/docs-maui  
  • dotnet/entityframework.apidocs    
  • dotnet/    
  • dotnet/maui-api-docs 
  • MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs-powershell    
  • MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs-sdk-node    
  • MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs-sdk-python 
  • MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-community 
  • MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs    
  • MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs-DSC    
  • MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs-Modules    
  • MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs-PSGet   
  • MicrosoftDocs/terminal    
  • MicrosoftDocs/Windows-Dev-Docs  
  • MicrosoftDocs/WSL  
  • Mono/SkiaSharp-API-docs 
  • OfficeDev/office-js-docs-pr 
  • OfficeDev/office-js-docs-reference 
  • OfficeDev/office-scripts-docs 
  • OfficeDev/office-scripts-docs-reference 
  • Xamarin/essentials