By Priya Arora, Global Head of Generative AI Center of Excellence – AWS
By Amit Singh, WW Head, GTM & Use Cases, AI/ML Partners – AWS

One element that is central to how we at Amazon Web Services (AWS) stay customer obsessed is the “working backwards” approach. This is a process of discovery and invention that involves five stages—listen, define, invent, refine, and test and iterate.

We have embraced the working backwards approach in the Generative AI Center of Excellence (CoE) for AWS Partners to provide partners the latest insights, tools, and resources on leveraging generative AI on AWS to support their capabilities, inform their strategies and roadmap, and facilitate their own generative AI customer conversations.

Through our engagements with CoE users, we’ve been able to collect feedback on the partner experience, as well as understand additional topics of interest from across the AWS Partner Network (APN).

We’re excited to deliver on feedback from AWS Partners in this post, which includes information on a simplified CoE engagement experience for partners, insights on market and customer trends in generative AI, and additional generative AI use cases and deep dives you can explore via AWS Partner Central (login required).

Updated CoE Experience for AWS Partners

Many AWS Partners have requested an easier navigation of the 130+ trainings, guides, and resources available through the Generative AI CoE, with clear visibility into new content added. To address this, all of our content is now organized in four deep-dive sections:

  • AWS offerings and best practices
  • Generative AI use cases
  • Third-party generative AI offerings on AWS
  • Best practices for building generative AI applications on AWS

Additionally, we’ve added a “What’s New and What’s Trending” section for visitors that want to quickly navigate to these resources. In March, this section features the following new assets:

  • Amazon Q Asset Pack: This a new AWS generative AI-powered assistant designed for work that can be tailored to your business. Partners can leverage this asset pack to better understand the service value proposition, how to get started using and building with Amazon Q, and to explore resources you can leverage in customer conversations about Amazon Q.
  • Updates to our Amazon Bedrock Asset Pack: This highlights new service features including model evaluation and knowledge bases with Amazon Bedrock.
  • Recordings from re:Invent sessions on generative AI: Explore some of our favorite sessions including Building Generative AI Applications for Enterprises, Responsible AI CoE Contributor Panel, and Co-Market Generative AI with AWS: CMO Storytelling that Drives Growth.
  • New generative AI use case deep dive sessions: This includes telecom, automotive and manufacturing, intelligent document processing, contact center modernization, and applications for financial analysts.

➤ Access to the CoE’s asset guide is available in Partner Central and will be updated with each new release.

Customer Market Research and Insights

Just like our teams across Amazon, we recognize that AWS Partners are customer obsessed. As such, sharing the latest market insights and customer research is critical to partners as they continue to build and evolve their generative AI strategies, products, and offerings.

The Generative AI CoE recently commissioned a customer survey with over 850 respondents; the goal of which was to learn about customers’ generative AI buying journey and key pain points.


Figure 2 – Generative AI customer adoption challenges.

We encourage AWS Partners to leverage the key takeaways from this market research, including the seven challenges customers are facing in their generative AI adoption journeys, alongside our recommended calls to action.

➤ Training for AWS Partners > Customer Trends – Generative AI Adoption Journey

Generative AI Use Cases and Deep Dives

The applications of generative AI are vast, and that’s one of the things driving the excitement and interest in this technology. One of the most common requests for additional insights we receive from partners is use case prioritization and deep dives.

While use case prioritization should take into consideration a variety of partners’ capabilities, customers’ generative AI usage maturity is a critical input. Based on the customer responses we received from the market research, we’ve developed a generative AI usage heatmap across verticals and horizontal functions. While customer usage maturity will evolve with time, this heatmap is based on research conducted in October 2023.


Figure 2 – Generative AI customer maturity heatmap by use case.

Additionally, the CoE is excited to announce the availability of five more use case deep dives. These top use cases have been identified based on insights gained from an analysis of all AWS generative AI customer opportunities over the past 18 months, in addition to the market research.

These assets will be updated on an ongoing basis with new customer success stories, sales and prospecting guidance for partners, and blueprints to accelerate solution development. Topics include:

AWS Generative AI Competency

We recently announced the AWS Generative AI Competency—an AWS Specialization that helps customers more quickly adopt generative AI solutions and strategically position themselves for the future.

AWS Generative AI Competency Partners provide a full range of services, tools, and infrastructure—with tailored solutions in areas like security, applications, and integrations to give customers flexibility and choice across models and technologies.

According to Canalys, AWS is the first to launch a generative AI competency for partners. By validating the partner’s business and technical expertise in this way, AWS customers are able to invest with greater confidence in generative AI solutions from these partners. This new competency is a critical entry point into the Generative AI partner opportunity, which Canalys estimates will grow to US $158 billion by 2028.

Learn more about meet the launch partners

Share Your Feedback with the CoE

Amazon’s working backwards process is an iterative approach, and we welcome your ongoing feedback on the Generative AI Center of Excellence (CoE) for AWS Partners experience and content.

Please share your feedback and insights on how you’d like to better engage and leverage the CoE. Feel free to provide feedback in our survey for AWS Partners.