By Brian Matsuura, AWS Channel Lead – Redox
By Brian Warwick, Principal Partner Solutions Architect – AWS
By Maninder Chhabra, CEO – Cloudwick
By Ryan Boyer, VP of Solutions Architecture – ClearDATA

Clive Humbly, a British mathematician and entrepreneur, famously said that “Data is the new oil. Like oil, data is valuable, but if unrefined, it cannot really be used. Data must be broken down and analyzed for it to have value.”

The healthcare industry today generates over 50 petabytes of data per year—the adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) and expansion of digitized imaging, devices, and clinical systems are generating vast amounts of data that exist in various silos and formats.

Healthcare organizations want to use their data to improve clinical care and improve business operations, but are challenged because their data is often in silos, are not interoperable, use a variety of data standards, are deeply sensitive, and are highly regulated. For most organizations, the inherent complexity can be a barrier to even getting started.

In this post, we discuss a new collaborative solution from Redox, Cloudwick, and ClearDATA that’s designed to enable healthcare customers with AWS HealthLake so they can extract value from their data.

The solution contains three components that we’ll walk through:

  • Getting healthcare data into one place.
  • Ensuring ongoing security and compliance.
  • Enabling applications for artificial intelligence (AI), analytics, business intelligence (BI), and more.

Getting Data into One Place with Redox

The first part of this solution begins with connecting to the data, in those various silos, and replicating it in real-time to a single place in your AWS account.

Redox is an AWS Partner and integration platform for digital health solutions that has built over 5,000 healthcare data integrations and has expertise in parsing, translating, standardizing, and normalizing legacy healthcare data standards.

While Redox enables data exchange to power workflows between EHRs and healthcare products, the Redox platform also has great utility in accelerating the creation of clinical data repositories in Fast Interoperability Healthcare Resources (FHIR), or FHIR datastores, in the cloud.

The reason for this is twofold:

  • FHIR expertise: Redox has FHIR experts and thought leaders that have been at the center of building and implementing FHIR in healthcare for nearly a decade. Translating and storing data in FHIR is critical, not just because Amazon HealthLake requires it, but because it makes the data immediately useful for querying, retrieving, and dissecting resources – a prerequisite for advanced analytics, AI, and machine learning (ML).
  • Processing capabilities: Redox transports clinical data at scale in order to maximize the utility of the data in your AWS account. Redox manages the end-to-end flow of data and ensures the data is delivered to your AWS account in real-time.

Figure 1 – Redox integrates different data sources in real-time to your AWS account

Ensuring Ongoing Security and Compliance with ClearDATA

Redox is HITRUST certified and will ensure the security and compliance of healthcare data during transport, but once in AWS this solution uses ClearDATA to provide 24/7/365 security monitoring, protection, and compliance with HIPAA and other healthcare standards for your data.

ClearDATA is an AWS Premier Tier Services Partner and healthcare-exclusive Managed Service Provider (MSP) with secure and compliant cloud-based solutions designed to help teams protect sensitive data while complying with HIPAA, GDPR, and more.

The ClearDATA Policy-as-Code Engine interprets hundreds of compliance frameworks into actionable technical controls, yielding always-on, automated enforcement, and remediation in AWS. It’s continuously updated with aggregate data sources, such as regulatory enforcement actions, insurance settlements, and real threat data experienced by the healthcare industry.

ClearDATA provides 24/7 enforcement on data controls

Figure 2 – ClearDATA provides 24/7 enforcement on your data.

Enabling Applications AI/ML and More with Cloudwick Amorphic

Now that your data is being synchronized in real-time to an environment designed to enforce healthcare compliance requirements, it’s time to refine that data so it can truly provide clinical value.

Cloudwick Technologies is an AWS Specialization Partner with the Machine Learning Competency. Cloudwick Amorphic enables teams to quickly build analytics, workflows, new solutions, and/or share their data.

Amorphic makes more than 60 AWS data and analytics services immediately operational out of the box, directly in an organization’s AWS account. This allows you to use Amorphic, along with the ever-growing number of HITRUST-certified AWS services, on your clinical data.

Amorphic provides platform for analysis

Figure 3 – Amorphic provides a platform to use your data to improve patient care


AWS allows healthcare organizations to do more with their data, unlocking the power to make informed decisions that can improve patient care, reduce costs, and open new revenue streams.

However, the siloed and complex nature of legacy healthcare data can make it daunting for organizations to know how to get started. In this post, we showed how Redox, Cloudwick, and ClearDATA are designed to simplify and accelerate the process of securely getting data in one place so it’s immediately useful for analytics, AI/ML, and more.

While large projects like this used to take months to complete, this joint solution has been optimized to deliver value as quickly as possible, allowing organizations to be live and in production in under 60 days.

To learn more about this collaborative solution with AWS, Redox, Cloudwick, and ClearDATA, watch a replay of a recent joint webinar.

Redox, Cloudwick, and ClearDATA products are available in the AWS Marketplace.